But not for energy: natural gas consumption in Ontario is far more variant, increasing roughly 300% in the coldest periods.
Getting the expected demand pattern, let's move to price.
While price does have the same basic shape, the price at the extremes increases much more sharply, although not nearly sharply enough to justify merchant plant initiatives to fill peaking functions (many jurisdiction have a maximum price of $1000/MWh in their market design, and regions trying to maintain a market not driven by power purchase agreements, such as Texas, are looking at ceilings far higher than that).
Now for one that may surprise: Net Exports
The conversation on exports usually deals with Ontario's large baseload supply often exceeding it's demand (or load - thus "surplus baseload generation). There's justification for this concern, and certainly 2013 looks to have highest exports at the most moderate temperatures. However, looking at the average (poorly labelled "Grand Total" in the graph), Ontario exports almost decline linearly from coldest to warmest temperature.
This is a reminder that the availability of export customers is a second driver of export.
With the coal shutdown looming in Ontario, it will be interesting to see the impact of being unable to export during cold days on Ontario's ability to export during moderate weather. If, as seem likely, it requires export markets to develop new supply, it will reduce export opportunities.
Two more quick graphs from my data exercise
Industrial wind turbines drop off in productivity as the temperature rises - but there may be an increased chance of performance during extreme heat, and there may also be an increased chance of poor performance during extreme cold.
However, in working with peak winter and summer demand hours, I've found that wind will have low productivity (below 10% of capacity) approximately 40% of peak summer demand hours, but also during approximately 20% of peak winter hours.
The lesson here is that hydro output is fickle - particularly during the warmer months of the year.
I'd suggest the worst complimentary fit with Ontario's low-reservoir hydro capabilities is industrial wind, which features weak summer performance.
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