Saturday, September 7, 2024

Will the new version of Ontario Energy Minister prove to be Smitherman 2.0?

"Minister Lecce needs to step back and gain knowledge on the existing costs to us Ontarians of our electricity needs instead of charging ahead..." -Parker Gallant
Parker and I have been communicating on Ontario’s electricity sector for over 13 years. We both started due to the wreckage of a brash new minister casting aside the policy of a professional planners to boldly undertake a new direction intended to make Ontario a leader in wind and solar energy. Back in 2009 an Integrated Power System Plan (IPSP) was cast aside and a directive from a freshman Energy Minister, and trusted Deputy Premier, signed an enormous 2,500 MW deal with a Korean consortium that was supposed to kick off the rush to 10,700 MW of non-hydro renewables. There is not, anything certain I wish to communicate today, but I have collected and formatted data throughout, so I thought I’d collect a number of the graphics and data sources I’ve been using on social media to communicate the concerns I have about returning to a GEA-era procurement debacle.
“With energy demand growing rapidly, our government is stepping up by advancing our largest energy procurement in our history.” -Stephen Lecce, Minister of Energy and Electrification  [emphasis added]
I don’t generally focus on semantics, but “energy” is used very poorly in Lecce’s communication. Let’s look for “growing rapidly” in annual electricity supply in Ontario over the past 88 years.