
Monday, February 18, 2019

A message from 2018 Ontario electricity statistics

Two notable aspects of 2018's electricity numbers in Ontario: average rates did not substantially increase, and demand did. Both of these buck the trend of the past decade. I'll explain how the trends broke.

The IESO's December reporting shows year-to-date Class B Wholesale Market rates of:

  • $114.94/MWh in 2018
  • $115.55/MWh in 2017
  • $113.18/MWh in 2016

That should be the most accurate source for this one consumer category, although the IESO did bungle November's rates due to an error in consumption figures (they compensated for it in December by pretending 688.6/8.695= 74.04). In 2017 they bungled June's consumption figures (which was accounted for in July, pretending 913.4/8.858 =112.8). These details demonstrate all IESO figures should probably be treated as estimates too - so I'll stick with my own data work here, and a graphic demonstrating the trends in different consumer segment pricing I developed, and explained in Trends in Ontario Electricity rates by Consumer Segments